Oh, the horror!
Just in time for Halloween, a law school in the UK has launched a website of horror stories with a legal twist.

BPP Law School in Manchester is behind a new website that encourages law students and lawyers to share stories that make your skin crawl, such as hellish job interviews, paranormal activity at law firms and that awkward moment when your urine sample falls out of your handbag in front of a client...
Folklaw’s personal favourite is the story of a candidate who invoked his right to remain silent during a job interview. The young lawyer didn’t know how to respond to an unexpected question, so instead of asking for clarification, he said “no comment”.
The website has the potential to become a manual on the many grisly aspects of being a lawyer. Folklaw already has a few ideas, including tales of legal torture by firm partners and the alarming prospect of competing for a clerkship in the worst jobs market in living history.
Folklaw imagines that many graduates back in Australia are also haunted by mammoth student loans: in 2013, the cost of a Juris Doctor degree neared $100,000 for fee-paying students at Sydney University.
There is no end to the truly terrifying realities of practising law…