The laws of the game
You might think sport and law make odd bedfellows but law firm PCS has a good feeling about pairing with the Greater Sydney RAMS.

You might think sport and law make odd bedfellows but People + Culture Strategies (PCS) managing principal Joydeep Hor (pictured) has a good feeling about pairing with rugby franchise the Greater Sydney RAMS.
Folklaw was curious to find out what business a law firm has dabbling in sports. Hor gave us three reasons, “Firstly, we service a lot of clients, a lot of businesses that are based in an area represented by the RAMS team.
“Secondly, one of our focus points as a business is helping organisations build and create the right culture and we feel that we are really well placed to do that with a sporting franchise at the front end of their journey.
“Thirdly, the NSW Waratahs won the Super 15 rugby this year so rugby in NSW is certainly at a crescent point at the moment. “
Folklaw is a lover of all football codes but in western Sydney, the kids are talking league or soccer.
Aren’t they better bets?
“Absolutely it’s the case that rugby league is considered to have much more popularity in those areas but what is unknown … is that there is a significant demographic there who are actually more inclined towards rugby union.
“If you look at the ethno-national backgrounds of a lot of people who live in those areas, there’s strong community representation from rugby playing nations.”
Ok mate, you make a good case. But, tell me Hor, is it all about charming future clients or is the firm a fan of the game?
“I think that we’re fortunate that we haven’t had to do too much as a firm to keep attracting new clients to our business. We certainly do invest heavily in profile and our brand but most of our work comes from the word-of-mouth referrals.”
He said he was a huge fan of the game personally and that he hoped the sponsorship would help promote a “strong internal culture” of “team work, common interest and shared passion” at the firm.
“It’s already been a lot of fun.”
Hor addressed players and coaches at the launch (13 August) and was impressed with their level of interest in hearing about the firm’s values. (Folklaw wonders if this was just politeness as we probably would have nodded off…)
“Obviously, a law firm sponsoring a rugby team is not your classic combination … but when I got to explain the work that we do … and our unique value propositions I got a lot of interest in that from players and coaches and management.”
Given the problems players of both rugby codes continually seem to find themselves in (and that is big hello to you, Todd Carney and as for you Lote Tuqiri, Folklaw still remembers the circumstances surrounding your departure from the Wallabies) maybe rugby players and workplace lawyers have more in common than one would expect.
Hor definitely believes his firm has something to pass on to the sporting community.
“We want to make a difference within the RAMS and more broadly within the sport and translate those … principles that we share with so many clients … and really bring them into the fold in that space.”