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Jobs now online with Lawyers Weekly

JOB SEARCHERS now have access to a dedicated legal jobs board via a new service launched this week on the Lawyers Weekly website. Legal secretaries, solicitors, partners and CEOs can now go…

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JOB SEARCHERS now have access to a dedicated legal jobs board via a new service launched this week on the Lawyers Weekly website.


Legal secretaries, solicitors, partners and CEOs can now go online and search for jobs either by practice area or firm name.

Commercial property has proven to be one of the most popular practice areas for job advertisements on the site, with more than 11 jobs on offer as Lawyers Weekly went to press this week.

Litigation and dispute resolution had four jobs and project finance had three advertisements.

By clicking on the ‘practice areas’ panel on the left hand side of the homepage at, job searchers can easily browse their favoured practice areas.
