Mental resilence to be addressed at educators’ conference
How the legal profession can prioritise mental health and make resilience training for practitioners an integral part of its business will be one of the topics covered at the 2013 Continuing Legal Education Association of Australasia (CLEAA) Conference next month.

Rebecca Michalak, director of consultancy PsychSafe, will be one of a number of presenters over the two days of the Conference, which will take place in Brisbane on 24 and 25 October.
The CLEAA Conference 2013 aims to focus on the skill-set legal educators require to engage and motivate their learners for practice.
Other sessions at the Conference will cover areas including: continuous professional development; the importance of ‘soft’ skills; social media and marketing in a digital world, and how learning and development professionals can stay relevant as the area continues to evolve.
The keynote address will be given via video conference by Jordan Furlong, a lawyer and partner at Edge International in Canada, one of the world’s leading management consultancies. He will look at recent changes in the legal market and their implications for Australasian legal practice and lawyers’ learning and development.
The growing importance of social media for marketing your firm and your personal brand will be covered by consultants Margaret Jolly from Margaret Jolly Consulting and Lisa Butler from The Talea Group; their talk will cover some of the practical strategies that attendees can put in place to maximise the effectiveness of their social media efforts.
Other speakers over the two days will include: Paul Maharg, professor of law at ANU; Neil Gold, Emeritus professor of law at the University of Windsor in Canada; Jan Christie, learning development and compliance manager at Henry Davis York, and Una Doyle, head of professional development, membership & communications at the Law Society of NSW.