Law student eaten up with annoyance
An aspiring lawyer in Canada has been driven over the edge by her classmates’ inconsiderate in-class eating...

Feminist blog Jezebel got its hands on an email sent by an anonymous student to his/her 72 classmates in the administrative law class at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto.
Okay, Folklaw can understand the tuna hatred – but pineapples? What have they ever done to anyone?
Judging by the contents of this letter, Folklaw would not like to work under this law student if they ever become a partner, because it’s clear they pull no punches...
“I also have a great amount of sympathy for those of us in this class who are more fundamentally challenged,” writes the student. “The ones who seem to suffer from a complete lack of etiquette and common courtesy as well as from peculiar eating disorders. I get it, that home life must have [been] supremely difficult, and the public school system was so lacking that no one taught you how to behave in public, and, specifically, how to eat in public.”
Wow – we bet this person gets invited to all the parties...
And just to make themselves even more charming, once their anti-apple and tuna tirades are over, they sign off the letter with this: “If I weren’t being polite, I would say it’s fucking annoying and disrespectful and shows a complete lack of judgement and poor taste.” Lovely.
We don’t think the letter really achieved its purpose though – the students of Osgoode rebelled against the anti-eating letter writer by holding a ‘Pineapple Appreciation Day’ on the campus last Thursday (19 September).
Folklaw reckons this student has led a sheltered life and will be in for a rude awakening when they enter the world of work; in the highly-competitive, cut-throat world of lawyering, someone in the vicinity eating a tuna sandwich will be the least of their worries.