Double Ds cause trouble for US restaurant
Folklaw always appreciates it when someone responds to the threat of legal action with good humour – and some marketing savvy...

Folklaw always appreciates it when someone responds to the threat of legal action with good humour – and some marketing savvy...
Underbelly’s UB Double Double Burger was the subject of the letter, which was not received from one of the upper-crust’s restaurant’s direct competitors, but rather from fast-food chain In-n-Out Burger, which is hardly aiming for the same burger customer as higher-priced Underbelly.
However, In-n-Out was the first burger chain to trademark the Double Double name to describe one of its burgers (a hamburger with two pieces of meat and two pieces of cheese – Folklaw can feel its waistline expanding) and it didn’t want Underbelly swiping it.
Instead of contesting the order, Underbelly placed its tongue firmly in its cheek and renamed the burger the Cease & Desist Burger and had a laugh about the whole experience on Twitter – genius!
The Cease & Desist Burger now sits happily and legally on Underbelly’s lunch menu for the princely sum of $US14, but Folklaw reckons the publicity the restaurant has got from this story, which has been covered extensively by US media outlets, has been worth a lot more to it than that...