Bonsoy claims spill into class action
Maurice Blackburn, the compensation law firm, is leading a class action against soy milk Bonsoy after it tested positive for elevated iodine levels.
MAURICE Blackburn, the compensation law firm, is leading a class action against soy milk Bonsoy after it tested positive for elevated iodine levels.
The firm is also behind the multimillion-dollar case over alleged illegal and unfair bank fees charged by the major banks, and this week it also announced advanced investigations into financial forecasts made by Nufarm. The latest action against Bonsoy, made by Spiral Foods, comes as a group of soy-drinking customers seek compensation for ongoing health problems and time taken off work. Bonsoy was withdrawn from sale last year after 10 people, including an infant, became sick with thyroid problems. Spiral Foods was given the all-clear in April this year, when iodine levels had returned to normal, but more than 50 people claim to have fallen sick from drinking the soy-based milk. They contacted Maurice Blackburn and law firm Slater & Gordon. More details on the class action were expected today as The New Lawyer went to press.