WA legal committee to back Aboriginal lawyers
A new lawyers committee aimed at encouraging and advancing Aboriginal lawyers and law students has been established for the first time in Western Australia.
The Law Society of Western Australia has announced the establishment of the inaugural Aboriginal Lawyers Committee, which consists entirely of Aboriginal lawyers, law graduates and law students. The committee comprises only Aboriginal members. “There about 60 Aboriginal law graduates from Western Australia that we are aware of who are making important contributions to the Western Australian justice system and community in general every day,” says June Kenny, the committee convener and lawyer at Dwyer Durack Lawyers. “Our committee is designed to bring these professionals together socially and professionally and to foster and build the skills of our law students, graduates and practicing solicitors.” Karen Ward, Tammy Solonec and Andrew Matthews, also members, met with WA Law Society president Hylton Quail in early 2010 and have since worked to establish the committee. The Society will also be assisting the committee in its aim of establishing an Aboriginal Lawyers’ Association of Western Australia. “The Society is looking forward to the unique perspective that the committee can bring to issues facing the Society and particularly those that affect Aboriginal lawyers and students,” said Quail. The committee is now calling for a further five members, including not more than two law students.