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IR state referral bill passes

The national industrial relations system will kick off next year after federal parliament today voted to pass the State Referrals bill.

user iconThe New Lawyer 03 December 2009 SME Law
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THE national industrial relations system will kick off next year after federal parliament today voted to pass the State Referrals bill. 


The move follows the NSW Parliament yesterday referring its IR powers for the private sector to Canberra. 

The Senate has voted for the Fair Work Amendment (State Referrals and Other Measures) Bill just before adjourning for the holiday shutdown. 

Liberal Senator Helen Coonan said the Liberal party remained opposed to the legislation, as Workplace Express reports. However, the Opposition did not call for a division when the bill was passed, allowing the government to push the bill through without going to a formal vote today.  

The Bill amended the Fair Work Act 2009 to enable states to refer workplace relations matters to the Commonwealth.

New federal Liberal leader Tony Abbott on Monday said he has not ruled out changes to the country's industrial relations landscape if he were to win power in the next election. 

"Let's not forget what Kevin Rudd has done is not just roll back WorkChoices, Kevin Rudd has rolled back the industrial reforms of the Keating government," he said, The Sydney Morning Herald reports. 

He conceded, however, that the previous Liberal government "went a little too far" with some of its laws.