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New boss at Colin Biggers & Paisley

MID-TIER SYDNEY firm Colin Biggers & Paisely (CBP) has appointed long-time partner Dunstan de Souza as the new managing partner. De Souza, who has been with the firm for the last 22 years…

user iconLawyers Weekly 22 February 2007 SME Law
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MID-TIER SYDNEY firm Colin Biggers & Paisely (CBP) has appointed long-time partner Dunstan de Souza as the new managing partner.

De Souza, who has been with the firm for the last 22 years and a partner since 1993, said the job of managing a law firm was daunting but also exciting.


“I’m very pleased at people’s reaction to the appointment but in a sense that puts even more pressure on to me in that I hope the expectations aren’t too high. It’s a wonderful place and it’s nice to know there’s a team who will help me greatly in the whole process,” he said.

As a senior property lawyer De Souza has earned a solid reputation in the property industry where he has practised principally in the area of transactions including property acquisition and development, strata, stratum and community title developments, subdivisional undertakings, property-related banking and finance, and commercial property leases.

He is also president of ADVOC Asia, an association of commercial law firms providing services to clients nationally and throughout Asia.

De Souza doesn’t plan to make any big changes to the way CBP operates now that he is at the helm. “In the 22 years I’ve been with CBP we’ve delivered great returns for people internally and great results for A-list clients and you don’t need to make radical changes when you are doing so well,” he said.

Continuing to deliver practical outcomes for clients will be de Souza’s priority. “One of the things we pride ourselves on is being very pragmatic and delivering commercial outcomes and opportunities which is probably something that stands apart from other law firms,” he said.

De Souza is replacing Nick di Girolamo, who after 18 years at CBP and the last two as managing partner, has resigned to take up a corporate role as CEO of Australian Water Pty Ltd.
