Sexing up patent law
With the recent Optus decision putting copyright law at the front of everyone’s mind, Folklaw thought it was timely to bring you a story about some American law grads who took a light-hearted look at patent law in the US.

With the recent Optus decision putting copyright law at the front of everyone’s mind, Folklaw thought it was timely to bring you a story about some American law grads who took a light-hearted look at patent law in the US.
The video features a car chase and the be-suited trio rapping in a pretty hilarious manner in front of various iconic buildings in Washington DC, including Capitol Hill.
However, what most impressed Folklaw about the video was that, in an explanatory intro about the Act that sets up the rest of the video, the trio secured a cameo from David Kappos, the Director of the US Patents and Trademarks Office.
Good to know senior officials have a sense of humour too. Wonder if he reads Folklaw?
The video, which you can watch here, features some genuinely funny lyrics and manages to throw in references to many historical and pop culture figures, including the Obamas.
Folklaw takes its hat off to the trio, Jesse Sommer, Randy Seriguchi and Josiah Young, who are known on YouTube as the People of Channel 38, for proving that lawyers do have a sense of humour...