Bad job
When writing a CV you are always warned to make sure that your spelling, grammar and clarity of expression is impeccable so you don’t make a bad impression on your potential future boss.

But recently Folklaw stumbled across a job advert that left quite a lot to be desired in the grammar and clarity of expression stakes itself.
The ad stated the “types of matters which may be involved may include” (not using words redundantly?) “comestic conveyancing” and dealing with “real estate agents and the like”.
“Comestic conveyancing”? Is that the same as “comestic bliss”? Spell check was invented for a reason, people.
Folklaw reckons this firm is right to look for someone with an “excellent command of language” – clearly it is something they are lacking in their office at the moment.
Admittedly, this ad did make Folklaw smirk in a superior manner, but it is far from one of the worst job ads ever posted.
If you visit the JobMob website you can peruse hilarious old newspaper ads seeking, among other things, someone to travel back in time, an “arch-enemy”, and one from a company looking for people with degrees “in accountant”.
Folklaw wasn’t aware you could store your degrees inside people, but obviously someone thinks you can...