Lawyer shoots houseguest
A lawyer who allowed a hobo to sleep on his porch provided he would cook and clean for him has shot the man after an altercation.
Hiram Lewis, a former candidate for West Virginia attorney-general and Republican candidate for the US Senate, was arrested last week after he shot Stephen Bogart in the leg.
This story is a little weird folks, even by Folklaw’s standards. reports that Lewis invited Bogart, who was formerly in the American army, to sleep on his porch after he found him wandering on the side of the road.
“I called him Sergeant Major out of respect. I respected him for being a Sgt Major,” Lewis told “I nicknamed him Sgt Major Hoo-rah. I created a charitable foundation for him called Sgt. Major’s Hoo-rah’s Charitable Trust.”
As if nicknaming someone “Hoo-rah” wasn’t enough provocation to spark an altercation, Lewis also pushed the bounds of his charity further by buying alcohol for Bogart – but only on the proviso that he get up at 6am to help him cook and clean his house.
“He is a great chef. He can cook the best pork chops you can imagine, pork chops and potato salad,” he said. “We made up dishes and took pictures of them and we were going to put them on our menu and sell his cooking for 4 July picnics.”
Alas, Lewis’ plan for culinary domination with Bogart didn’t come to pass because he shot the budding chef, claiming Bogart had threatened to kick his door in.
Lewis has defended his lifestyle and vowed to “spread the word of God and do charitable works” if he is released from jail.
“If I can get out and keep my bar license, I have a case I am supposed to be settling,” he said. “That would give me the money to get the kayaks and get back to my camp paradise to where I could have Kayakers for Christ every Sunday.”
For once, Folklaw is speechless.