Surviving industry globalisation
Improving firm profitability amid the globalisation of the Australian legal industry will be one of the key focuses of a New South Wales practice management conference later this month.

Improving firm profitability amid the globalisation of the Australian legal industry will be one of the key focuses of a New South Wales practice management conference later this month.
Chairing the event will be Holding Redlich managing partner Ian Robertson, with Beaton Research & Consulting’s Mel Chee and Tristan Forrester kicking off the one-day event on 24 May with their insights into the state of the legal profession in 2012.
Freeland will discuss the challenges of managing uncertainty in the coming year, including the impact of globalisation, as well as key trends in the profession and how to respond. He will also provide insights into what is on managing partners’ agendas this year.
Rigotti will address the financial challenges faced by firms in 2012, including the push away from time billing towards alternative fee arrangements; scoping, budgeting and managing work in progress, as well the cultural implications of these trends.
Other speakers include Dr Margaret Byrne, a principal consultant of UGM Consulting; Steve Sampson, the general manager of Hunt & Hunt Lawyers and Lawrence Atkinson, principal of Lawrence Atkinson Practice Management Services.