New course for community lawyers
Lawyers at community legal centres (CLCs) will now be able to take part in a practice management course designed especially for them.The College of Law has announced a three-day practice
Lawyers at community legal centres (CLCs) will now be able to take part in a practice management course designed especially for them.
The course was developed in response to feedback from CLC lawyers that existing legal practice management courses lacked community-based content relevant to CLCs, including a focus on working with communities in a not-for-profit context for disadvantaged clients.
Greg Dwyer, director, Centre for Best Practice at The College of Law, said the course is an exciting addition. "We believe this course is highly relevant for CLC solicitors looking to enhance their existing skills and will provide an excellent basis for success, in an area that hasn't been serviced by higher education providers in the past," he said.
Alastair McEwin, director of Community Legal Centres NSW, said he believes the course will provide an important foundation for CLC lawyers to ensure the services they deliver are appropriate and relevant.
"It is important that CLC workers receive training and professional development opportunities that meet their specific needs, including developing skills in providing community-focused legal solutions," he said.
The course has been developed in conjunction with CLCNSW and will be delivered by a range of presenters, including specialists who work in CLCs or have experience in community-based organisations. The course also covers topics such as strategic planning and financial management, dealing with difficult clients, cooperative legal service delivery, and avoiding or reducing the risk of burnout.
It will take place from 6 to 8 September 2011 at the St Leonards College of Law campus.