Vic Bar creates charitable foundation
The Victorian Bar has launched a new charitable foundation aimed at supporting the education and training of lawyers and promoting awareness of the legal system and the role of the law in
The Victorian Bar has launched a new charitable foundation aimed at supporting the education and training of lawyers and promoting awareness of the legal system and the role of the law in society.
"The foundation will provide a way for the Victorian Bar to work with the different areas of the profession and invest in the future by creating opportunities for those who need it," said Victorian Bar chairman Mark Moshinsky SC, who is also a member of the board of directors of the new foundation.
The foundation's board of directors, which will act as a trustee of charitable trusts, will seek donations, administer funds, and evaluate and makes grants.
Grant recipients will include law students, lawyers continuing their legal education, organisations promoting training to lawyers, and legal institutions in Australia and overseas.
It is hoped that the foundation will be funded through donations from members of the Victorian Bar and the judiciary.
The board of directors includes Allan Myers AO QC (chairman), the Honourable Justice Susan Crennan AC, the Honourable Justice John Middleton, William Alstergren, Paul Anastassiou SC, Michael Colbran QC, John Digby QC, Ross Gillies QC, John Karkar QC, Kate McMillan SC, Mark Moshinsky SC, Norman O'Bryan AM SC, Alexandra Richards QC and Neil Young QC, and will include Ross Macaw QC.