MBAs under scrutiny by LW readers
MBAs under scrutiny by LW readersTHE OLD favourite degree for anyone going into the corporate world, the Master of Business Administration (MBA), is in fact now far from being a must-have for
MBAs under scrutiny by LW readers
Only 13 per cent of readers believe that an MBA is an important degree to have, while 41 per cent claim there is no need to have the degree in the current market, according to the results of Lawyers Weekly online poll.
As this magazine publishes an MBA report on the changing focus on the degree (see page 22) readers had their say on its relevance. Legal journalist Francis Wilkins reports this week that while there has always been good reason for a lawyer to do an MBA, things are not the same now as they were even five years ago. He writes that it’s important for any professional considering the degree to be aware of the changes, trends and drivers that shape the MBA degree as it is currently offered.
The largest proportion of Lawyers Weekly online readers who voted on the poll claimed there are better courses for lawyers to do in the current environment, making up 46 per cent of votes.