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Allens shoes us all how to recycle

Allens lawyers are letting someone else walk a mile in their shoes by embracing National Recycling Week, which begins next week, in a rather novel fashion.The firm's Perth staff is busy…

user iconLawyers Weekly 03 November 2010 NewLaw
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Allens lawyers are letting someone else walk a mile in their shoes by embracing National Recycling Week, which begins next week, in a rather novel fashion.


The firm's Perth staff is busy collecting second hand clothes and shoes for redistribution to people in developing countries.

"My favourite form of recycling is collecting shoes and hats from friends and neighbours, taking those items with me on overseas trips - or getting others to take them for me - and distributing them to the really needy," said project leader Susan Pestana, who works as the firm's business and technology services manager.

"It's a win-win situation: contributors get rid of unwanted belongings, which lessens landfill; carriers have the pleasure of making a difference to someone; and there's enough room created in the suitcase for carriers to purchase new local goods, which, in turn, supports the local economy."

The initiative is one of several recycling schemes developed by the firm which saw it win the recent United Nations Association of Australia World Environment Day Award for Sustainability and Leadership.

For more information on the Allens Footprint programs visit: