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QLD Ombudsman to retire

Queensland Ombudsman David Bevan will retire from the role this week, after serving nine years with the Office. Bevan, a former director of the Official Misconduct Division of the then Criminal…

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Queensland Ombudsman David Bevan will retire from the role this week, after serving nine years with the Office.


Bevan, a former director of the Official Misconduct Division of the then Criminal Justice Commission, became Queensland's fifth ombudsman in September 2001.

During his term, his Office has made a number of achievements including recommendations to assist government agencies in better dealing with complaints and improving policies and procedures, delivering numerous training sessions to thousands of public sector offices and initiating a number of investigative reports that were tabled in Parliament.

"I look back on the Office's achievements during the past nine years with a great deal of personal satisfaction, but also with a huge sense of gratitude towards my dedicated staff," said Bevan.

"I leave the position knowing the Office is well-placed to carry on its important role in Queensland's accountability framework of ensuring people are treated fairly in their dealings with government agencies."

Bevan said he has felt privileged to serve with the Office at a time when the expectations of the community for the government to operate in a fair, transparent and accountable way were increasing.

"It has also been a privilege to work with so many people in my Office who are committed to the principle of fair decision-making in public administration and to the Ombudsman's other key values of independence, objectivity and respect for all people," said Bevan