New face for Coleman Grieg
Sydney firm Coleman & Greig Solicitors has embarked on a rebranding process, incorporating a new name and logo. The rebranding process will, which the firm believes better reflects its
Sydney firm Coleman & Greig Solicitors has embarked on a rebranding process, incorporating a new name and logo.
According to the firm's managing principal Peter Stewart, the rebranding exercise was an enlightening experience for the firm's staff and its principals.
"The initial catalyst for the project was sitting down as a management team to discuss the firm's values," Stewart said. "We wanted to determine the values that the firm was actually living and breathing - the ones that our staff were committed to - rather than a few words on a piece of paper that the management team came up with."
Steward said after a lengthy consultation with staff, they were able to ascertain what the firm stood for and how they wanted to move forward.
"We wanted to streamline our communications, simplify our message and develop a website that is both useful and client-oriented."