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Four new members join NADRAC

FOUR HIGH profile members of the legal profession have been appointed to the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) by Attorney General Robert McClelland.John Hodgins,…

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FOUR HIGH profile members of the legal profession have been appointed to the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (NADRAC) by Attorney General Robert McClelland.


John Hodgins, Tom Howe QC, Stephen Lacken and Lindsay Smith will join Tania Sourdin and Warwick Soden on the council, following the retirement of Josephine Akee, John Spender QC and Lynn Stephen.

Hodgins is a Cairns-based magistrate and the former chief executive officer of Legal Aid Australia, Howe is the chief counsel for litigation at the Australian Government Solicitor, Lacken is the Australian principal of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) firm the Trillium Group and an adjunct lecturer at the University of New South Wales. Smith is the acting executive manager for the dispute resolution branch of the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General.

NADRAC is an independent, non-statutory body which provides advice to the Attorney General about ADR.
