Lyus LeGal: virtual clerking goes live
23 March 2009 •
Sydney ’s first boutique “virtual” clerking service, Lyus LeGal, launched on 17 March. The brainchild of clerk Belinda Lyus, the service will cut out the middleman by removing the need for formal chambers and expensive overheads.
Lyus has spent more than 32 years in Chambers, and has experience on some of
and Maurice Byers Chambers.
“I think virtual clerking is going to be the way of the future, and I plan on only engaging the top lawyers and mediators,” Lyus told Lawyers Weekly.
“It’s very new, very exciting and it’s going to lift the morale of the bar. I think it’s going to, quite frankly, be a little bit on the threatening side to large firms that are not cost effective enough for clients that want to cut costs.”
Initially offering her online clerking service in
Lyus LeGal will offer services to an exclusive list of about 20 barristers handpicked by Lyus, including diary management, fee recovery and proactive promotions.
“I plan on having … about 20 [barristers] but I will also have access to the entire bar. If I can’t fill [requests] with my list, because of my knowledge I can certainly make sure that they get the correct referral for whatever problem they have,” Lyus said.
“I’m a very aggressive promoter of my barristers, but I make sure I only work for the best, because I can only be as good as the people I’m working for – simple as that!”
Case in point