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Abbott Tout solicitor to the Arias

ABBOTT Tout Lawyers was proud to have its own solicitor Matthew Fitzgerald and his band Decoder Ring as contenders in this month’s ARIA awards.Decoder Ring was nominated for the Best Original…

user iconLawyers Weekly 22 October 2004 NewLaw
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ABBOTT Tout Lawyers was proud to have its own solicitor Matthew Fitzgerald and his band Decoder Ring as contenders in this month’s ARIA awards.

Decoder Ring was nominated for the Best Original Soundtrack /Cast/Show Recording for its composition and soundtrack in the film Somersault, although it did not win the award last Tuesday.


Recognising that working in a law firm and composing the score for an entire film was demanding work, Fitzgerald told Lawyers Weekly that having multiple perspectives from both film and firm sharpens skills in both.

Pressed as to how he achieved the apparent work/life balance that appears to be eluding many lawyers, Fitzgerald said “as wonderful as composing work is, it is also work”. The question is how to find life between working in a law firm and working on a film. The answer is timing, he said.

Working at Abbott Tout, particularly in the entertainment practice, has nurtured Fitzgerald’s interests and enhanced his skills in the entertainment industry.

“Ultimately, I find having multiple perspectives sharpens your skills in each area and it’s a balance I hope to keep in the future,” Fitzgerald said.

Abbott Tout Lawyers managing partner Peter Noble said the firm has enjoyed vicarious thrills from Fitzgerald’s success and Aria nomination.

“As [Fitzgerald] shows, Abbott Tout lawyers are a colourful lot. Although a few of us were green with envy when he took time off to mingle with the stars in Cannes, we love his success and take pride in it,” Noble said.
