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Australia Day honours list

Legal professionals and others across Australia were recognised on Australia Day for their services to their country and to the law, law reform, the judiciary and lawyers. The following people…

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Legal professionals and others across Australia were recognised on Australia Day for their services to their country and to the law, law reform, the judiciary and lawyers. The following people were amongst those individuals.

Companions in the order of Australia


Mark Liebler AO: Service to business, the law, particularly in the areas of taxation and commercial law, the Jewish community internationally and in Australia, and to reconciliation and the promotion of understanding between indigenous and non indigenous Australia.

Emeritus Professor Enid Campbell OBE: Service to legal scholarship and education, and raising debate in the field of constitutional law and to public law reform.

Officers of the Order of Australia (AO)

Justice Bryan Beaumont: Service to the judiciary, administration of the court, improving legal education facilities and judicial infrastructure in the Pacific region.

Justice Annabelle Bennett: Service to the law, particularly intellectual property, administrative law and professional conduct.

Terrence Cole RFD QC: Service to the judiciary, particularly judicial administration and reform of the building and construction industry.

Malcolm McCusker QC: Service to the legal profession, particularly criminal and commercial law, and the business and finance sectors.

Roderick Meagher QC: Service to the judiciary, legal scholarship and professional development.

Elizabeth Nosworthy: Service to business through contributions to major development, energy and infrastructure projects, and the legal profession, particularly legal education.

Justice Simon Sheller: Service to the law, particularly in the field of judicial administration.

Members in the Order of Australia (AM)

Damian Bugg QC: Service to the law, particularly in the role of Director of Public Prosecutions at state and federal levels, and through encouragement of international cooperation in the area of criminal law and practice.

Justice Rodney Burr: Service to the law in Australia and internationally, particularly through the establishment of the World Congress on Family Law and the Rights of Children and Youth.

Dr Andrew Cannon: Service to judicial administration, particularly through reform of civil litigation processes.

Stuart Fowler: Service to the law in Australia and internationally, particularly through the establishment of the World Congresson Family Law and the Rights of Children and Youth.

Harvey Cooper: Service to the judiciary and to judicial education, and to the community through offender rehabilitation programs.

Kenneth Marks: Service to the judiciary and the law, particularly through implementation of innovative changes to court administration.

Justice Margaret Nyland: service to the judiciary, to human rights and the equal status of women.

Russell Miller: Service to the legal profession in the fields of international and business law.

Geoffrey Torney: Service to the legal profession.
