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Corrs partner calls for PPP legal structure

GOVERNMENTS NEED to establish a legal and economic structure in which infrastructure and road projects are to be delivered if public private partnerships (PPPs) are to be successful, a Corrs…

user iconLawyers Weekly 05 August 2005 NewLaw
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GOVERNMENTS NEED to establish a legal and economic structure in which infrastructure and road projects are to be delivered if public private partnerships (PPPs) are to be successful, a Corrs Chambers Westgarth partner said last week.


The future of PPPs are at a cross roads, partner John Walter said, and requires attention from the government if it is to be a means for delivering infrastructure.

“Without clear, transparent policy that covers project identification and planning, together with appropriate processes for delivering projects, the market will not develop properly.”

He called for legislation that would allow a single approvals process, one regime for interface with all utilities and one process for dealing with land acquisition and leasing.

While legislation is essential, there should not be a standardisation of government policy across all PPP projects, said Walter. “Standardisation across projects in similar sectors of the economy with similar financial structures may be desirable but general standardisation across all sectors should be viewed with caution.”
