Calling competition law experts: Gaire Blunt scholarship
The Law Council's Business Law Section is once again offering the Gaire Blunt Scholarship this year. The annual Scholarship is aimed at lawyers at the junior stage of their career, and is worth…
The Law Council's Business Law Section is once again offering the Gaire Blunt Scholarship this year.
It was established in 2008 to commemorate the memory of the late Gaire Blunt who was a leading competition law practitioner and a partner at Allens Allen & Hemsley (now known as Allens Arthur Robinson) from 1970 - 2005.
Blunt was instrumental in shaping the form, regulation and administration of competition law in Australia. He was a member of the Trade Practices Committee of the Business Law Section, the first consulting editor to the CCH Trade Practices Reporter and one of the leading practitioners in the field.
Blunt played a central role in developing and mentoring the careers of many young lawyers, and was always concerned to ensure that he gave young lawyers the opportunity to demonstrate and develop their talents.
Last year's scholarship was won by competition lawyer Daniel Clarry, from the Australian Government Solicitor's office in Brisbane. Clarry won the award for his paper entitled "Contemporary Approaches to Market Definition: Taking into account international markets under Part IV of the Trade Practices Act 1974".
To apply for the 2009 scholarship, lawyers will need to submit a paper on a competition law topic no more than 10,000 words, by 31 December 2009.
For full scholarship details, visit The Law Council website