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ABIX News 25 November

Prospects add up as lawyers multiplyThere is an increasing number of lawyers in Australia, and they are working in a wide range of fields. The number of law schools in Australia has grown from…

user iconLawyers Weekly 28 November 2005 NewLaw
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Prospects add up as lawyers multiply

There is an increasing number of lawyers in Australia, and they are working in a wide range of fields. The number of law schools in Australia has grown from six in 1960 to 29 in 2005. The number of students studying law has also greatly increased. About 65 per cent of law graduates are working in legal practice. However, about one quarter are gaining employment in a wide range of other areas.

The Australian


A new weapon for litigators

A decision by the New South Wales Court of Appeal could radically change the face of litigation actions in Australia. The court found that reports about a company’s potential liability that are submitted to auditors by the company’s lawyers can be subpoenaed by opponents because the reports are not covered by legal professional privilege. According to lawyers, subpoenaing auditors for liability statements could become common practice if a planned High Court appeal against the decision fails.

The Australian Financial Review

Canberra committed to media law changes

Australian Communications Minister Helen Coonan has unveiled her timeline for media law changes. Coonan says a detailed policy paper will be released in January 2006, with the Government introducing legislation in the second half of 2006. Coonan says there will be a short period of public consultation about the new laws. The Australian Government is pushing for a “five-four” model that will allow operators to own more than one newspaper, television station or radio station provided there are five other competing companies in metropolitan areas and four others in rural areas.

The Age
