International dispute resolution conference on the cards
The Victorian Bar’s Commercial Bar Association has engaged with the Commercial Bar Association of England and Wales to launch a conference on the future of international dispute resolution.

The London 2016 International Commercial Law Conference (London 2016 ICLC) was officially launched in Melbourne this week and will be held in London in June 2016.
The London 2016 ICLC is based on the theme of ‘The Future of International Commercial Dispute Resolution’, and will bring together commercial dispute resolution lawyers from Australia, the UK and Asia.
Laurence Rabinowitz QC, the Commercial Bar Association of England and Wales president, said it is a topic of concern for all practitioners in the field of international commercial dispute resolution, whether they are barristers, solicitors, corporate counsel or academics.
Leading members of the judiciary, including Chief Justice of Victoria the Honourable Chief Justice Marilyn Warren AC, will speak at the conference.
The Victorian Bar’s Commercial Bar Association president Philip Crutchfield QC commented that it is an important topic to discuss “at a time when commerce is becoming more global and complex”.
Victorian Bar president Paul Anastassiou QC said: “The London 2016 ICLC is a significant achievement of the Victorian Bar.”
He added: “This is the first time we have partnered with our colleagues at the English commercial bar, who, like us, are specialist advocates, at a time when commercial disputes and their resolution are becoming more global in nature.”