Firm shares criminal law expertise with local community
Drink driving, social media pitfalls, drug offences and schoolies are some of the topics to be covered in free information sessions hosted by Queensland firm Fisher Dore.

The series of talks will take place over the coming months in Bundaberg, Beenleigh and Rockhampton in Queensland.
“People are often unaware of just how easy it can be to go a step too far and commit a crime,” said principal Nick Dore (pictured).
He said the sessions were developed to help people who have personally been charged with an offence or have friends or family who have come into contact with the criminal justice system.
The first session, Behind the wheel: the real facts on drink driving, will be presented by Mr Dore and head of the Bundaberg office Rian Dwyer on 5 August.
“Facing the prospect of losing your driving licence can be overwhelming, particularly if you rely on it for your work or day to day activities,” said Mr Dore.
“In this first session we aim to give people the facts so they can make informed choices or help those who need support.”
To register call (07) 4151 5905 or email