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Freehills works for free, receives award

FREEHILLS HAS cleaned up at the recent International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Asian Awards ceremony in Hong Kong.In a statement, Freehills CEO Gavin Bell said he was “pleased to receive…

user iconLawyers Weekly 27 March 2006 NewLaw
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FREEHILLS HAS cleaned up at the recent International Financial Law Review (IFLR) Asian Awards ceremony in Hong Kong.


In a statement, Freehills CEO Gavin Bell said he was “pleased to receive the award”, as pro bono work was a “noble and important part of our legal professional responsibility”.

Bell went on to congratulate the IFLR for “acknowledging and rewarding” pro bono work.

Many regard the IFLR Asian Awards as the accepted benchmark for legal practice in Asia.

According to the firm’s pro bono report, Freehills worked with more than 1,000 clients under the auspices of its pro bono program over the last year and a half — including a High Court case in late 2004 in which they “assisted in securing a victory for a 15 year-old Afghani boy who had come to Australia without a guardian in 2000.

“The boy’s protection visa was refused due to failure of lodgement within the required time period.”
