Appointments 11 February 2005
Abbott Tout Lawyers has appointed commercial and property specialists Emma Crean and Mark Winn to its Canberra and Brisbane offices. Crean has experience in large scale residential and
Abbott Tout Lawyers has appointed commercial and property specialists Emma Crean and Mark Winn to its Canberra and Brisbane offices. Crean has experience in large scale residential and commercial developments, commercial and retail leasing, property finance and environmental guidelines. Winn has experience in infrastructure projects, franchising, corporate structuring and intellectual property. They join Ross Seller and Justin Rossetto, who started in the firm’s new tax and revenue practice group. Both come to the firm from Gadens Lawyers.
Dibbs Barker Gosling has appointed Andrew Buchanan to its Sydney partnership. Buchanan has been with the firm since 2003 and has more than 16 years experience in property and construction law. DBG also appointed six lawyers to associate level: Marie Mittiga in litigation, Sydney; David Fell and Roy Groom in corporate advisory, Brisbane; and in Canberra, Felicity Rafferty, employment, and Rocco Cecere and John Hill in corporate advisory.
Gadens Lawyers has appointed Brian Bailey as its knowledge manager. Bailey is the former national manager of knowledge and technology with Ernst & Young, and has also worked for KPMG, Optus, and Mayne Nickless in the UK.
Hammond Worthington, Western Australia, has appointed Michael Clarke as partner in charge of criminal law. Clarke has been working solely in criminal law for six years, both as a solicitor and a barrister.
Kliger Partners of Melbourne has appointed Peter Donovan as tax counsel. Donovan has experience with both the ATO and in the private sector.
Landers and Rogers has appointed Thomas Wait as a partner in its Sydney corporate property group. Wait has experience in advising landowners, developers and tenants on all aspects of commercial and retail property law.