Partnership with in-house lawyers shines light on copyright governance
The Copyright Agency has announced a partnership with the Association of Corporate Counsel Australia to promote good copyright governance in industry.

A series of copyright webinars, licensing information sessions, and a copyright tool kit will be developed as part of an agreement between the national legal body representing in-house lawyers and the Copyright Agency.
The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Australia said that it would use its national conference in 2017 to share information about copyright issues with its delegates.
As part of the partnership, ACC Australia members will be entitled to a 10 per cent discount on new annual copyright licenses.
Guy Johnson, director of commercial licensing for the Copyright Agency, said the partnership would help in-house lawyers demonstrate corporate social responsibility.
“We are delighted to partner with ACC Australia to provide corporate and legal counsels with all the information they need to ensure their organisations are not infringing copyright in text and images.
“At the same time, because their copyright licence fees are passed on to creators, they are demonstrating best practice in corporate social responsibility.”
Vice-president and managing director of ACC Asia-Pacific Tanya Khan said that it was critical corporate counsels ensure copyright requirements were being met within their organisations.
“We are pleased to work with the Copyright Agency to increase good copyright governance in the Australian legal industry and ensure content creators are fairly compensated for the reuse of their work,” Ms Khan said.