My next move: Should the fact that many industries are quiet at the moment concern me?
The legal job market in Australia at present is reflective of the current, wider, economic activity in other industries.

That is to say, some legal areas are thriving and work is flowing, while other areas are in a holding pattern.
If your practice area is quiet, use this time wisely and take the opportunity to develop new skills and enhance your existing ones. Demonstrate initiative and think more broadly in terms of how you approach your job and your day. Lawyers in demand and lawyers who will be more attractive to current and future employers are those that have strong skills in their practice area, have extended themselves in terms of developing new skills, and who can demonstrate initiative and ambition.
Make the most of the lull in activity and use the time to expand your skills. Look outside your traditional CLE units and explore new subjects. It is a good idea to build on your business development skills and become more active in that area. Being able to play a strong role in landing clients and maintaining good relationships will only make you more valuable to your current, and any future, employer.
Be proactive. Ask your partner if you can assist with any other practice group and take steps to actively seek out work. At certain levels this may not always be possible, but it can help you build new relationships across your firm and build your presence.
Our clients are positive about the coming months, law firms will be opportunistic in terms of work and hires and we expect to see continued change to the legal landscape. Lawyers should be proactive, excited about the future and even take some time to enjoy a bit of a work-life balance.