Depression in the law: workplaces waking the black dog

In questioning why lawyers experience disproportionate levels of depression, it's worthwhile exploring the working

Promoted by Lawyers Weekly 10 September 2010 Big Law
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In questioning why lawyers experience disproportionate levels of depression, it's worthwhile exploring the working conditions they live with, writes Claire Chaffey.

High levels of depression in the legal profession may be attributable to the legal working environment which, according to Professor Patrick McGorry, is still akin to a 19th century workplace.

Speaking at last week's (2 September) Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation 2010 Annual Lecture, McGorry said that while the aggravating factors behind high levels of mental ill-health in the legal profession are yet to be fully understood, he had heard plausible reasons which might provide an explanation.

"[A law firm is] a 19th century working environment. Twenty first century working environments promote autonomy, mastery and purpose. People who are mentally healthy in their work have ... freedom over the way they work, they've got a sense of mastery over what they do, they're not in an out-of-control, treadmill type situation and they've got a sense of purpose and social value," he said.

"Mental health is all around us. It is everywhere. You've got to look around you, look for it, and give it the possibility to express itself, because then people have got somewhere to go."

"A lot of the more creative occupational roles that are opening up these days have got these features. There is much greater flexibility ... There are obviously different ways of being a lawyer, but many of the ways don't seem to have these features."

McGorry's comments came is response to a question from Michal Kirby, patron of the Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation, who asked whether or not issues such as the fact that lawyers are burdened with keeping other peoples' secrets, have to make difficult decisions, and are being constantly judged by their peers, could also be contributing factors.

Kirby added that he believes all levels of the legal profession are in denial about the effects of such factors on the mental health of lawyers.

But despite his status as a leading mind in the field of mental health, which earned him the title of 2009 Australian of the Year, McGorry would not be drawn into the specifics of mental ill-health in the legal profession, instead making it clear that mental ill-health affects all levels of society.

"Mental ill-health is very common in society ... we've all got about a 50 per cent chance of experiencing a period of mental ill-health at some point, from mild to severe. It is unrealistic to think that you could get through life without having to have some physical health care ... it is also unrealistic to think that you could do that in a mental health sense," he said.

"Mental health is all around us. It is everywhere. You've got to look around you, look for it, and give it the possibility to express itself, because then people have got somewhere to go. We can nip these things in the bud. If it is seen as a weakness and something that people can't talk about ... then people have nowhere to go."

According to McGorry, finding solutions to the myriad problems associated with mental illness requires commitment and backing from people at all levels of society, and he made it clear that action - and not words - is what is needed.

"It is pretty clear that a couple of things need to happen. One is that we need champions, right throughout the community, and not just supporters. It's great to have patrons and supporters ... but we need champions who will actually really fight for these issues, like they do in other areas of society," he said.

"We are seeing some mobilisation of mental health now, but we've got to go further. We never would have thought the iron curtain would come down, but it took the people - a mass mobilisation of the people - to make that happen. Until that happens, we are not going to see the level of correctional investment we really need for mental health in Australia. People's lives are at stake, and their futures as well."