Sydney Surgical Centre sold to Cura Day Hospitals Group
National law firm Hall & Wilcox has advised Captia Pty Limited as the trustee of the Captia Trust in relation to the sale of Sydney Surgical Centre to the Cura Day Hospitals Group.
Firm: Hall & Wilcox (Captia).
Area: Corporate
Value: Undisclosed
Key players: The Hall & Wilcox team was led by partner Alison Choy Flannigan, who was supported by partner Mark Petrucco and lawyers James Blok and James Pinkerton, as well as partner Maurice Doria and lawyer Lada Notova.
Deal significance: Speaking about the sale, Ms Choy Flannigan said: “One of the challenges of this deal was working with so many stakeholders, and COVID-19 caused a lot of disruption to the private hospital market. The sale was a great result for all concerned.”
Captia chair Stephanie Watson added: “Sydney Surgical Centre was established by the medical practitioner group of shareholders to provide excellence in care to patients having surgery.
“We are pleased that the sale to Cura enables the centre to continue providing high-quality patient care and support to our staff and surgeons. Working with Hall & Wilcox enabled us to realise these gains from the sale. We were grateful for the expertise of the team led by partner Alison Choy Flannigan.”
And Sydney Surgical Centre chief executive Tony Scaramuzza said: “Alison Choy Flannigan’s specialised experience and understanding of the private hospitals and health care sectors, supported by the breadth and strength of the Hall & Wilcox team, was instrumental in navigating this complex transaction and achieving an excellent outcome for our patients, doctors, staff, suppliers and shareholders.”

Jerome Doraisamy
Jerome Doraisamy is the managing editor of Lawyers Weekly and HR Leader. He is also the author of The Wellness Doctrines book series, an admitted solicitor in New South Wales, and a board director of the Minds Count Foundation.
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