Keolis Downer secures contract to operate buses in Sydney’s north
Major public transport operator Keolis Downer has successfully pitched a proposal to the NSW government to operate bus services with assistance from Ashurst.
Firm: Ashurst (Keolis Downer)
Value: N/A.
Area: Transport.
Key players: The team was led by partner Alex Guy, who was assisted by partners Ratha Nabanidham and Anne Reffay, senior associates Eloise Moore and Manisha Pannu, consultant Kim Broadbent and lawyers Louis Rainguenet, Alex Martin and Zoe Hinchliffe.
Deal significance: The contract will see the introduction of 125 electric buses over the next eight years, delivering more sustainable transport options for the local community from two newly electrified depots in Brookvale and Mona Vale. It also brings in innovative headway technology of the B-Line and the continuation of the popular Keoride On Demand Transport Service.
Mr Guy commented: “We are delighted to have assisted Keolis Downer, in its successful proposal to NSW government, which will see a range of exciting initiatives that will help Transport NSW deliver an enhanced passenger experience on a value for money basis.”
Naomi Neilson
Naomi Neilson is a senior journalist with a focus on court reporting for Lawyers Weekly.
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