Reforms to support domestic violence victims
NSW government reforms will make it easier for counsellors, social workers and psychologists to terminate the leases of domestic violence victims without penalty.

Minister for Better Regulation Kevin Anderson said the changes will make it easier for tenants to escape domestic violence without worrying about breaking their lease.
Mr Anderson said it is why the government will now allow more professionals—that the victims are likely to interact with—to sign off on a no-cost termination.
Prior to the reforms, only medical practitioners were able to sign off on a lease termination. With the reforms, any registered health practitioner, social worker, child protection agent, domestic violence specialist and approved counsellor will be authorised to make a declaration to end the tenancy.
“Leaving a violent relationship can be one of the most difficult and dangerous decisions a victim has to make. Under these changes, we are increasing the options people have to get help safely,” Mr Anderson said.
Attorney-General Mark Speakman said this was another important way the government was supporting domestic violence victims.
“These trusted professionals already deal with the terrible physical and emotional impacts of domestic violence, so it makes sense that they will now be able to provide declarations,” Mr Speakman said.

Naomi Neilson
Naomi Neilson is a senior journalist with a focus on court reporting for Lawyers Weekly.
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