Clarke Energy, Alinta Energy reach agreement on upgraded power station
Clarke Energy Australia has been advised on an agreement with Alinta Energy to upgrade a power station in Western Australia.

Firm: Piper Alderman (Clarke Energy Australia).
Clarke Energy also entered into a long-term contract to maintain the facility for Alinta Energy following completion of the EPC works.
Value: N/A.
Area: Projects.
Key players: Pipers partner Martin Lovell and senior associate Juniper Watson advised on the deal.
Deal significance: Clarke Energy’s role, Pipers said in a statement, will involve the design and construction of two separate powerhouses, along with the supply of a 66/11-kilovolt export transformer and brownfield integration with the existing 66-kilovolt substation.
“The new gas-fired power generation facility will utilise 14 high-efficiency INNIO Jenbacher J624 gas engines to improve the efficiency and flexibility of the power station,” the firm said.
Speaking about the transaction, Mr Lovell said: “We were delighted to assist Clarke Energy in this significant project that will ultimately improve the efficiency and reliability of Alinta’s Newman Power Station. Piper Alderman has worked closely with Clarke Energy over a number of years and we are very proud to continue to advise them in relation to their ongoing projects.”
Clarke Energy managing director Greg Columbus added: “The team at Piper Alderman provided sound legal advice which helped Clarke Energy successfully negotiate this deal. They showed true determination and went the extra mile to ensure our best interests were represented.”