“The office is dead, long live the office!”
Has COVID sounded the death knell of the physical office?

The transition of working from a physical space in the CBD, to working from home in the first few months of the pandemic, has seen mixed reactions from businesses. The idea of a truly virtual law firm is nothing new, however, some firms are finding their migration to a virtual WFH platform is raising questions they did not know needed answering:
- How do you keep your employees mentally fit when they may be feeling isolated and disconnected?
- Faced with the option of WFH, are there advantages to the physical office that may have been taken for granted?
- How do you avoid the perils of “zoom fatigue” and other hurdles with collaborating successfully?
After initial spikes in productivity from WFH, reports are suggesting that the honeymoon is over, with the lure of Netflix and the pull toward domestic duties starting to take hold. Many workers are also reporting a desire to have more than just “face time” with colleagues and clients. They miss how successfully in-person interactions facilitate collaboration. As lawyers, our relationship with our clients is ultimately one of trust, and despite best efforts and advances in video-conferencing technology, many find that this trust is better built organically with face-to-face communication.
Flexible space operators like Clarence are noticing a steady increase in members returning to work, into their physical office, as WFH starts to lose its appeal.
So how can spaces like Clarence, that provide a complete ecosystem designed for law practices, enable a healthier, more flexible and collaborative approach to the way your firm works post-covid?
Many firms are using this opportunity to streamline their practices and move away from long-term traditional leases. It only takes a slight downturn – or a pandemic - for the level of risk to be apparent. In addition, to be liable for fit-out, technology set-up, make-good and skyrocketing outgoings during a depressed economy could put your firm in financial jeopardy. Clarence offers short-term, even month-to-month, options that are customised to your firm’s needs at a fraction of the cost.
Surrounding your firm with like-minded practitioners who are running their own firms and are keen to collaborate, refer and socialise is a big part of what is missing when you WFH. Regular community and professional events build camaraderie, strengthen connections and facilitate active referral networks.
Mental health
Feeling isolated, even within a small team, can be detrimental to productivity and long-term mental health. While WFH has some benefits, being around other professionals is vital for stimulation, creativity and well-being. Mental health is key for professional and personal success – do not let yours or your colleagues’ suffer.
Clarence has been providing flexible office space solutions to law firms since 1993 and has invested in a modern fit-out and an expert business support team in a collaborative environment, so members can focus on their clients and streamline their costs.
To assist firms during the COVID period, Clarence is offering a risk-free guarantee of their spaces including a 30-day cooling off period, flexible start dates and fully customised agreements.
To find out more about the flexible space options available to you at Clarence, call Melati de Haas on 1300 210 831.