Victoria updates mediation services in Family and Federal Circuit Court
Lawyers and clients of the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court of Australia can access fast-tracked appointments with mediators under new Victorian protocols.

The Victorian Bar has launched the Expedited Mediation Scheme, through which parties that are unable to agree on selecting a mediator can have one appointed by the president. The mediation will then commence within 30 days, either online or in person.
“I am very grateful that the Victorian Bar has been so helpful and supportive to the [courts] in developing these protocols, which will greatly assist the [courts to] provide better and more [timely] access to justice where mediation is appropriate,” CJ Alstergren said.
Creating alternative pathways to the resolution of disputes is all the more important in the current COVID-19 environment, said president Wendy Harris QC.
“It is marvelous the Victorian Bar has been able to work with [courts] to create a scheme to help parties access experienced barristers who are nationally accredited mediators and those able to provide both online and [in-person] mediations,” said Ms Harris.
Tony Elder, chair of the Victorian Bar’s alternative dispute resolution committee, added: “I’d like to [thank] the courts for giving the Victorian Bar the opportunity to develop these protocols to assist parties to move more swiftly toward resolution of their disputes.
“There have been many people involved at the [courts] and at the Victorian Bar, and I am very pleased that we have been able to put this scheme in place so quickly.”

Naomi Neilson
Naomi Neilson is a senior journalist with a focus on court reporting for Lawyers Weekly.
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