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Skadden busy on M&A deals

The American offices of Skadden Arps are being kept busy with a run of deals, including representing Evercore Partners, Inc. as financial adviser to E*TRADE Financial Corporation in its…

user iconLawyers Weekly 02 December 2005 Big Law
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The American offices of Skadden Arps are being kept busy with a run of deals, including representing Evercore Partners, Inc. as financial adviser to E*TRADE Financial Corporation in its acquisition of BrownCo from JPMorgan Chase & Co.

The deal is reportedly valued at US$1.6 billion ($2.2 billion). Attorneys involved include partner Stephen Banker from the firm’s New York office.


The firm is also representing Deutsche Bank AG as financial adviser to Autonomy Corporation plc in its acquisition of Verity, Inc. Partners on the deal include Kenton King, Celeste Greene and Marc Packer from the firm’s San Francisco and Paolo Alto offices.
