Top 3 skills to get ahead in 2020

Promoted by LawCPD

Promoted by LawCPD 30 January 2020 Big Law
Top 3 skills to get ahead in 2020
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Understand the impact of public perception

Lawyers occupy a prominent position in society and, as a result, are held to a high ethical standard. Unfortunately, recent prominent royal commissions and inquiries have negatively impacted the public’s perception of the profession. This increased scrutiny affects all lawyers – whether you practice in a small firm, BigLaw firm, in-house or as a freelancer.

In 2020, it’s important to keep up to date with what is happening in the public sphere to understand the implications for your practice. Look for opportunities to adopt or reinforce strategies to maintain trust with your clients and stakeholders in this challenging climate.

Adopt an innovation mindset

The concept of “innovation” was omnipresent in 2019 –so much so that you might be getting tired of hearing about it! But as they say, “If you can’t fight it, embrace it". The good news is that innovation is not just about algorithms or blockchain – and it does not need to come from management. Instead, you can make innovation an integral part of your practice at an operational level by identifying new opportunities to streamline processes and improve the day-to-day workflow of your practice.

Champion cultural change

In the last year, issues related to gender parity, wellbeing and corporate culture have gained a lot of attention. Topics historically off limits –such as the impact of stress on the judiciary –have gained traction, and several firms made very public announcements about inclusive paid parental leave policies. Although these are broad structural issues affecting the profession, legal practitioners can have an impact at an individual level. Get ahead of the curve by educating yourself about these issues, so you can get practical tools to empower yourself – and your team if you are in a managerial position.

Looking to upskill and get ahead in 2020? LawCPD offers online CPD courses for lawyers on a range of topics including ethics, innovation, and firm culture. Learn more at
