Supportive workplace environment key to attracting staff, KWM says
At King & Wood Mallesons, staff work in an environment “where people feel they have a supportive team and great work to do”, which is what its executive director of people and development credits for its third-place ranking in the Legal Firm of Choice Survey.
King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) director Linda Johnston said the firm is always looking at how it can encourage its people to pursue areas of work they are passionate about.
KWM has created workplace strategies designed to build more supportive teams, has a rest and recovery attitude, has equipped staff for performance and wellbeing, as well as having new resourcing models available for alternate career paths.
“We are constantly looking at how we develop our people from a careers’ perspective and have at the firm internal career advisers whose role is to facilitate the alternative experiences and transitions between teams and practice groups,” she said.
Ms Johnston said ensuring its staff’s wellbeing is of “paramount importance” to KWM and it is implementing a number of practical tools that individuals and teams can apply to develop collaborative and supportive cultures.
“This includes the active monitoring of workloads and sharing responsibilities across teams, which in turn increases our cohesiveness as a firm,” Ms Johnston said.
To attract talent, Ms Johnston said the firm wants people to understand the experience of working at KWM, “which is actually much more than the work you do”. She said the firm is always striving to differentiate itself in the market and from its competitors.
“In terms of retaining talent, this comes down to our workplace strategy. It is our day-to-day practice and ensuring that our commitment to this never wavers,” she said.
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About the Legal Firm of Choice
The Legal Firm of Choice is an annual report produced by market research firm, Momentum Intelligence designed to reveal the attitudes, perceptions and priorities of legal professionals.
It is the resource for helping business leaders attract and retain Australia’s best legal talent by uncovering the key trends in the talent attraction market including the key drivers of satisfaction, retention and attrition.
These insights are delivered on an online interactive data platform that enables users to drill down across the complete five-year history of the survey that includes over two million data points revealing the sentiments of legal professionals over time.
The Legal Firm of Choice is available for purchase via the Momentum Intelligence website. For more information visit the website or contact
Naomi Neilson
Naomi Neilson is a senior journalist with a focus on court reporting for Lawyers Weekly.
You can email Naomi at: