Podcast: Tapping into how technology is transforming our laws
On this episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show, Melissa Coade is joined by UNSW Sydney associate professor Lyria Bennet Moses, director of the Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation.

When a self-described bio-hacker was brought before a local court in NSW for fare evasion because he was unable to produce a card to transit officers, the magistrate found that Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow’s implanted Opal chip was not a valid ticket.
A/Prof Moses (pictured) discusses the case of Mr Meow-Meow (formerly Stuart McKellar) and where it fits in the bigger picture of her research about how laws should be framed in a world of rapidly changing technology.
Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Lawyers Weekly Show:
- How mentoring makes you a better lawyer
- AI and the future of law firms
- The secrets behind the Sole Practitioner of the Year’s Success
- A mature-age student’s journey in the law