Bakers claims top spot in capital markets league table
Baker McKenzie has dominated Thompson Reuters’ latest rankings for top performers in Australia’s capital market for 2016.

The international firm jumped from sixth to first place in rankings for advising issuers. Bakers also improved its position advising underwriters by two spots since 2015, tying with Herbert Smith Freehills for first place.
“We've bolstered our team with the hire of exceptional new talent to support our existing deep bench and our clients have responded very positively,” Mr Andrade said.
From 1 January to 31 December 2016, Bakers advised on 13 ECM deals for lead managers. That is three more than HSF, which acted for 10 lead managers last year.
Gilbert+Tobin and Clayton Utz shared third place in the ranking, having acted on nine such deals and claiming 1.4 per cent of the total market share.
Bakers shared crowning glory with HSF for top ranking with respect to advising issuers, each recording 15 such deals last year.
HSF’s total number of deals advising issuers decreased by five since the last league table, when it also topped the category for 2015.
This year, DLA Piper ranked third in the issuer deal rankings, totaling 11 deals and 1.7 per cent of the overall market share.