Firms speed up sale of Brisbane Airport Rail Link
King & Wood Mallesons and Johnson Winter & Slattery have acted in the sale of the Brisbane Airport Rail Link.

Deal: Airtrain sells to USS Axle
Area: Corporate
Value: $109.55 million
Key players: The KWM team, based in Brisbane, was led by corporate partners John Humphrey and Stefan Luke (pictured), together with senior associate Rhys Casey and solicitors Erin Hanson and Joshua Duffy. Justin McDonnell, Natalie Caton and Ashlee Campbell from the firm’s dispute resolution team assisted with the court approvals of the schemes.
Deal significance: Airtrain is the holding company of Airtrain Citylink Limited, which owns and operates the Brisbane Airport Rail Link connecting the Brisbane International and Domestic Airports to over 140 railway stations within the Queensland Rail network. USS Axle Pty Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited of the UK, a £34 billion superannuation fund. The deal was completed by way of three inter-conditional schemes of arrangement.