Bunnings’ million-dollar sale
A national portfolio of Bunnings Warehouse retail stores has been sold to Charter Hall Group and Telstra Super.

Firms: Lander & Rogers (Bunnings); Piper Alderman (Charter Hall Group and Telstra Super)
Area: Property
Value: $207 million
Key players: Partner Lexia Wilson (pictured) led for Pipers
Deal significance: The $207 million purchase includes a $176 million national portfolio of Bunnings Warehouse retail stores to be purchased from Bunnings. It also includes Bunnings anchored real estate worth $30.7 million at Stafford in Brisbane to be purchased from the Charter Hall-managed Direct Retail Fund. The acquisition of the Bunnings portfolio will increase Charter Hall’s managed Australian retail property portfolio to $2.3 billion. The acquisition of the portfolio is due to complete this quarter.